Here, transcribed for you're pleasure, with additional commentary, is our convo. All spelling mistakes are as they were from the original messages, my commentary in bold.
Things started off innocently enough, a little discussion on one of my faves: the four color funnies:
malaLarva:hey boy
malaLarva:what are common american comic books
JonnyBikePunk:well, we've got the batman and the superman and such, basically all the major superheros
malaLarva:all good comics here are italian
JonnyBikePunk:aha, and what are those?
malaLarva:flash gordon
malaLarva:corto maltese
JonnyBikePunk:i see.
JonnyBikePunk:i've only heard of flash gordon
Seeing how I didn't really have much to say about Italian comics, I decided to move our little exchange along:
JonnyBikePunk:so how did you come across my profile dear?
JonnyBikePunk:i see. i'm really more of a punk rocker though
malaLarva:does it matter?
JonnyBikePunk:not really, although around chicago it can make a difference
This is where things take turn for the weird:
malaLarva:no one likes us nor punx nor skins
JonnyBikePunk:why are you a nazi?
Now, I rarely get the opportunity to talk to a gen-u-ine Nazi all that often, so I decided to do some digging and try to see what the fuck is going through this chick's head:
malaLarva:i dont like yellow aliens
JonnyBikePunk:well, i'm a jew
malaLarva:they are spreading like roaches all over
malaLarva: :)
JonnyBikePunk:what's with the smiley?
malaLarva:i am not antisammit (antisemitic)
JonnyBikePunk:well, the nazis kind of tried to exterminate my entire race
malaLarva:dey did
malaLarva:they put my grandfathers in camps
malaLarva:but i still dont like aliens
JonnyBikePunk:than how can you be a nazi?
malaLarva:i love my nation
malaLarva:and i dont like others inside of my borders
JonnyBikePunk:well that's fine, but identifying as a nazi goes far beyond patriotism. do you think that whites are superior to all other races?
malaLarva:for sure
JonnyBikePunk:well that's fucked up
malaLarva:and i dont mind blasks as long as they fuck their own girls
JonnyBikePunk:i don't know what to say
I have to say that her statement of "I don't mind blacks as long as they fuck their own girls" to be so ridiculous I nearly laughed out loud. Classic dumb ass hate monger.
JonnyBikePunk:well, do you consider jews to be white or are they a seperate race?
malaLarva:they are cursed people
JonnyBikePunk:why's that?
malaLarva:they killed the son of man
JonnyBikePunk:well, actually the roman empire did that. so you take the bible at face value?
JonnyBikePunk:so you don't believe in evolution?
malaLarva:i dont
JonnyBikePunk:i see
JonnyBikePunk:well, not only am i a jew, but i also put my faith solely in science and not in 2000 year old myths
malaLarva:than you are not jewish
JonnyBikePunk:i am by birth
JonnyBikePunk:my mother is a jew, so that makes me a jew, and i'm very proud of my heritage
malaLarva:can someone become yew if he was born as muslim?
malaLarva:he can
malaLarva:so by that jew is who choses to be
malaLarva:not the one born as it
JonnyBikePunk:it's still my cultural heritage
malaLarva:than you are spitting on it
malaLarva:if you felt as it you would respect it
JonnyBikePunk:well, you obviously never heard of humanist jews
malaLarva:teach me
JonnyBikePunk:they're jews who honor they're cultural heritage without the religion. jews are unique because since we've always been segregated in all societies that beyond the religion we're also a separate nation. their are genetic disorder that only jews get. hence a jew is a jew by birth, whether or not they practice the religion
malaLarva:i dont get taking parts of it an leaving others
malaLarva:but ok
malaLarva:you have rite of it
JonnyBikePunk:but you see even though i don't believe in religion doesn't mean i don't have jewish blood
malaLarva:but you are not jew if not living as one
JonnyBikePunk:if you say so, i know plenty of people who would disagree
malaLarva:common is not always rite
JonnyBikePunk:i doubt you're an expert in jewish relations
JonnyBikePunk:so what do you think of me than?
malaLarva:i like you defending yourself
malaLarva:i hate people siting in silence
JonnyBikePunk:if i don't who will?
malaLarva:you ge a big + :)
So there you guys have it, I got a big + from a Nazi. I think she wants to bone, but obviously she's not going to get a piece, what would my mother think?
If there's a common thread through all instances of prejudice that I've seen it's ignorance and willingness to accept things at face value (i.e. the Bible). Blood libel has been used against the Jews for centuries and it continues to this day. Than there's the notion of patriotism or nationalism or whatever you want to call it. With god and country on your side how you feel that you're in the right to do whatever is needed. The mindset is inherently narrow and as you can see above, difficult to reason with. Hopefully this chick will grow up one day and see how fucked her mindset is. If not, I hope she gets hit by a bus.
-Jon J