Two things in the news today that have to do with dead rock icons. First, there's word that "Sublime" will be continuing their "reunion" by playing the Smokeout Fest October 24-26th. Secondly we have word that the Sussex police are reopening their investigation into the 1969 death of Rolling Stones guitarist Brian Jones.
Alright, let's start out by working backwards towards the present. Brian Jones was found dead in the pool of East Sussex home (formerly owned by Winnie the Pooh creator A.A. Milne) on July 3rd, 1969. At the time the Sussex police ruled Jone's demise to be the result of "death by misadventure" (which is how I hope to go out). Almost immediately accusations were made that the police hadn't thoroughly investigated the death and that Jones hadn't died from "misadventure" but had in fact been murdered.
Well the Sussex police have reopened the case. Although they have not revealed any new evidence or leads or any real reasons for reopening the case, they are treating it as a murder investigation this time around. For years people close to Jones have said that Jones died at the hands of Frank Thorogood, a live-in builder at Jones' residence at the time of his death. Thorgood died in 1994. Hopefully this new investigation will finally answer the question of how did Brian Jones really die some forty years after the fact.
Moving on, 90's ska/punk act Sublime will be reuniting to play Cypress Hill's Smokeout Fest this year. But wait a second, is Sublime's frontman, lead singer and songwriter Bradley Nowell dead? Yep, as a doornail. So how can this be you ask? Well, the other two guys in Sublime found some dude who sounds like Brad and are going to go around calling themselves Sublime. Worked for the Germs right?
It's been the trend of late for bands that have disbanded to get back together and go on the reunion tour circuit. Just this year we've blink 182 and No Doubt get back together and do large scale summer tours. The Misfits and The Dead Kennedys have been up to the entire reunion gig thing for years now, both with new lead singers. Now, I've got much less of a problem with the blinks and the No Doubts out there reforming. They've reformed as intact bands with the same members that you remember being in those bands. Then there's the second tier, the Misfits and Dead Kennedys out there who have replace their revered, but still living, lead singers with some ringers so they can go out on the road and make a quick buck or two. This is lame as fuck and anyone who would shell out good money to go and see these acts is a chump of the highest regard. But that's not the worst of it, oh no.
The real worst of the worst is the bands who a pivotal member has not just left the band, but DIED and then they reform with some ringer up their on the mic. It's necrophilic karaoke just after the quickest of bucks. Look, we've had The Doors of the 21st Century, Queen + Paul Rodgers, The Germs with Shane West and now we've got Sublime with some dude named Rome. Not only do these act reform, tour and sometimes put out new records, but PEOPLE WILL ACTUALLY PAY TO SEE THEM! Why? What's the point of seeing some over-hyped, glorified tribute band? I don't know, for me when I have a connection with a group I find to be in the worst taste to go see some facsimile band pretending to be said band. Would you go see the Beatles without John and George? The Clash without Joe Strummer? Nirvana without Kurt Cobain? I wouldn't, but I have a feeling some of you out there would, and that's terrible.
There ought to be a law, that's all I'm saying. The Federal Don't Reform Band Whose Members Are Dead Act. I want to see this on the senate floor by next week people. Get to work, write your congressman today.
-Jon J
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