Monday, June 28, 2010

Why I've Made a Big Fucking Deal Out of This

Some people are under the impression that there's no point in my attempts to draw attention to an alleged assault on a cyclist, and friend of mine, last week. There have been plenty of comments that say something along the lines of "shit like this happens, whatever" and "it's an incident between some drunk guys, you're making too big a deal about this". Although I tried to explain my perspective on this in a previous post, it seems further clarification is needed.

You know what, maybe this will make things a little bit easier to understand. Lets pretend for a second that this has nothing to do with anyone even remotely famous. Lets pretend this doesn't have anything to do with anyone I know and maybe we can put this in a context that's a little bit more digestible.

Anyone who rides a bike in this city knows that the roads are a dangerous place. I ride my bike every single day, it's my mode of transportation. Not a week goes by where I don't come close to getting in a serious accident as the result of someone driving a car. I follow the rules of the road. I stay in the bike lane, I stop at stop signs and I signal before making turns. I'm not some reckless kid who's not paying attention while I'm riding. Nonetheless I am at constant risk of being killed by some asshole who's talking on their cellphone or putting on make-up. This experience isn't unique to me, it's the same for all the responsible cyclists in this city and elsewhere across the country.

If you're going to operate a giant steel box that can go really, really fast you're taking on a HUGE responsibility. That's why you have to take a driving test and be licensed, that's why you have to be of a certain age and that's why it's illegal to drive while intoxicated. There's also a reason why you don't need to be licensed or of a certain age to ride a bike. The reason is that the possibility of seriously injuring or killing someone because of a bike are microscopic when compared with the possibility of injuring or killing someone with your car. A cyclist basically has to worry about hurting themselves, whereas a motorist has to worry about everything and everyone on the road. If a cyclist isn't paying attention and flies into a pedestrian the likelihood of either party sustaining life-threatening injuries is minimal, especially when compared to a motorist doing the same thing.

Motorists don't respect cyclists, they see them as a nuisance even though we have the same rights to the road that cars do. Just the other day I was riding home from work and I was nearly crushed by someone driving a car. I was riding not even a block away from my house when the car right next to me slowly starts drifting into the bike lane. It was only after I started screaming at the top of my lungs that the driver of the car even noticed I was there. When I confronted the driver their excuse for almost hitting me was because she "didn't see me". This was in broad daylight mind you, and I was wearing an orange shirt, so if the driver had been at all responsible there's no excuse for not seeing me. Shit like this happens constantly.

If a driver isn't paying attention and hits a cyclist it's absolutely awful and that person probably isn't responsible enough to be driving a car. When someone uses their vehicle against a cyclist purposely it's absolutely disgusting and unforgivable. We're talking life and death here people, this isn't a game.

Now back to reality for a moment. Yes; this indeed involves a close friend of mine and a local band that has some degree of notoriety. I did what I did to help a friend, something I think people should be able to understand. I don't like violence, I don't agree with it and I think it's the lowest you can sink to. So when the initial incident occurred and people start talking about finding the guys who jumped Matt I took it upon myself to try and make sure that wouldn't happen. I encouraged going to the police, which Matt did, and trying to solve this problem without anymore violence. I talked to several people about the incident and wrote the story that was given to me. In no way have I attempted to spread around anything that I know to be untrue. I wrote the story based on Matt's account, which was backed up by several individuals who wished to remain anonymous. I have no reason to believe that anything that I was told is untrue, and I stand by what I wrote.

If you're able to take anything away from all of this please let it be this: We need to show cyclists more respect when we're on the road; and if you're going to operate a motor-vehicle do so responsibly and understand the ramifications of your actions behind the wheel.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The BBU Incident: A Response UPDATE

Taking a look at the comment-thread that this story has generated I feel that I need to say a few things.

First of all of course this personal. This is a story of what happened to a friend of mine, Matt McNeill, and the reason I decided to try and spread this around is because I was absolutely appalled at what had happened. If something happens to a friend of mine I'm going to do whatever I can to help them out. Unlike the guys in BBU I don't need to resort to violence to do so. You can talk about your convictions or you can live them. I choose the latter.

Secondly one of the things that really disturbs me about the comments in defense of BBU is the notion that RUNNING A CYCLIST DOWN WITH A CAR is somehow a reasonable response for a shoving match on a sidewalk. 716 cyclists died on U.S. roads in 2008, and studies have shown that in 90% of accidents involving cyclists and motorists the motorists were at fault.

But this wasn't an accident. This was the deliberate assault on a cyclist with a vehicle. Just because it's not a gun or a knife doesn't mean that this wasn't an assault with a deadly weapon. The potential to have seriously maimed or killed Matt was astronomically high. And if that wasn't enough the members of BBU proceed to physically assault Matt 3-against-1. Anyone who can defend that is a no good thug.

Finally I want to thank everyone who got the word out on this story. Everyone who shared this link and encouraged their friends to spread the story. It's absolutely amazing to see people actually mobilize and use the internet as the amazing communication tool it is. People involved in the cycling community continue to be some of the most dedicated and vigilant individuals around.

UPDATE: Found out about this a little bit ago: Photographer Attacked By Police

Friday, June 25, 2010

BBU is Playing Tomorrow, Call the Congress Theater and Let them know how you feel

Contact the Congress Theater at: 773-276-1235

You can contact Public Enemy through this link:

Chicago Hip-Hop Group BBU Assaults Cyclist in Wicker Park

Members of the Chicago hip-hop group BBU are accused of assaulting a cyclist, Matthew McNeill, in Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood. The incident occurred around 1:45AM early Thursday morning. McNeill was leaving his job as a bouncer at popular Wicker Park bar the Flat Iron when a vehicle pulled up alongside him as he rode his bike home. A door on the passenger side of the vehicle was opened in front of McNeill, slamming the cyclist off his bike and into the curb on the side of the road. Witnesses then report seeing members of up and coming hip-hop group BBU (Bin Laden Blowin’ Up) exit the vehicle where they proceeded to punch, kick and spit on McNeill as he lay in the street. The group then returned to their vehicle and sped-off into the night.

The assault stems from an incident earlier in the week. In the early morning hours on Tuesday, June 22nd at around 3:00AM BBU member Mike “Illekt” Milam was seen standing in front of the Flat Iron, drinking a beer on the sidewalk in front of the bar. He was asked to vacate the premises but refused to do so, at which point McNeill forcibly removed Milam. An altercation ensued in which Milam was knocked to the ground.

“This guy was drinking a beer in front of the bar, and he wouldn’t quit drinking his beer. He said ‘Fuck you’ or something like that so I pushed him, and went back into the bar. I come back out and he was yelling ‘I’m in a gang I’m going to fucking kill you’”. McNeill says of the incident that happened Tuesday morning.

In regards to the assault that occurred on Thursday morning McNeill states the following: “I was outside smoking a cigarette when I saw Mike Milam and the guys in his band, and he pointed me out to them. I had just gotten off work, had a few drinks, and was riding my bike to the liquor store. A car pulled up to me and hit me with the door, cornered me and knocked me off my bike. This was right in front of Skewers on Damen across from the Blue Line stop. They knock me off my and bike and one guy gets out and says something about “you’re fucking with so-and-so” we have words. I got knocked down, there was a tall curb, I got knocked down into the street so I couldn’t get up over the curb. They had me down, kicking me and punching me and spitting on me. It was two of the members of BBU, not Mike, he stood there and laughed, I don’t even think he even hit me once. He spit on me, they all were spitting on me. While he was spitting on me I was yelling ‘you’re a pussy, you can’t take me by yourself so you’re having your friends do it’ basically telling him to fight me one on one which he wouldn’t.”

“They held me down, they stomped on my head and kicked me in the face. I have a knot on the left side of my head, my ribs are cut up.”

Witnesses called the police and reported the car’s license plate number. As of yet no arrests have been made.

BBU got their start around early 2007 in Chicago’s underground hip-hop scene. Over the past three years the group has risen steadily, attracting attention across the country with their house inspired beats and quasi-political lyrics. They’ve been featured twice on’s Forkcast, they’ve been written about in Time Out Chicago, the New York Times and the Washington Post. BBU was named Chicago’s Best New Musical Group by the Chicago Reader this year.

While doing research on BBU the one point that keeps on coming up is their “politically conscious” lyrics. Much praise has been heaped on BBU for not being another “part-rap” group. Riding this wave of accolades has landed them a spot opening up for legendary hip-hop pioneers Public Enemy at the Congress Theatre this upcoming Saturday, June 26th.

Although they would like to be portrayed as an intelligent, activist band, the actions of BBU in regards to the alleged assault on Thursday would suggest otherwise. The members of the band, Mike “Illekt” Milam, Jasson Perez and Richard “Epic” Wallace are accused of using a car to run a cyclist of the road where they proceed to exit their vehicle and beat said cyclist. It was three guys ganging up on one, which as far as I can tell goes right along with the thug hip-hop mentality that they’re supposed to be the antithesis of. Not only did they assault McNeill, but the incident that the assault stems from the fact McNeill ejected Milam for drinking on the sidewalk in front of the bar where McNeill works. Essentially BBU attacked McNeill for doing his job.

I e-mailed both BBU’s management and Public Enemy requesting a statement in regards to the alleged incident. Neither one of which has replied thus-far.

In reflecting on the incident McNeill said the following :

“It’s the gang mentality of you can’t fight by yourself. You’re not a man, so you have to get together with other people to beat some up. It’s cowardice.”

Friday, March 26, 2010

I Showed Up To The Tea Party With A Flask And Some Blow

Unfamiliar surroundings make some uncomfortable, not me. That's not to say I leap in head first, no no no. I keep to the back of the room, taking it all in. When it's time for me to take some action I straighten my jacket, clear my throat and get up on my soap box.

"If you think Barack Obama's destroying
America, it's time to take a good like in the mirror"

Rotten vegetables fly forth from the retched refuse in front of me. I've angered they're sensibilities and they've turned hostile. Oh, they're seething now and about to prove my point.


Oh boy, who doesn't love a good Tea Party?


Obamacare has passed and Armageddon is all but certain now, or so the story goes. So now the dissenters are pulling in ranks and pulling out stops. I'm certainly not against a group of people organizing themselves around a cause they care about to make they're voice heard BUT when that collective voice comes out hurling racial epithets, it's time to take a hard look at where we're headed.

Of course what I described at the top never actually happened, but I decided to use my good old friend creative license to make a point. If only the fiction was far off from the truth. As everyone knows by now following the passage of the healthcare reform bill thousands of protesters descended on Washington to let the democrats know that they were none to happy about. That’s all fine and good, in fact it’s exactly what’s great about America, the fact that you can openly disagree with your government and make your voice heard in a public arena. But things went a little bit further then expressing outrage over what the government is doing.

As Rep. John Lewis passed through the crowd there were shouts of “nigger”. When Rep. Barney Frank passed it was “faggot”. Both of these congressmen are Democrats who voted for the healthcare bill, but that’s not what they were being called out for. They were being called out for being who they are. A black man and a gay man, things that have nothing to do with the bill they voted for.

I’m not really all that surprised. I would never put it past the Jesus&Guns loving, marginally educated rabble that make up the Tea Party movement to be anything but racist, homophobic assholes that’ve been whipped up into a frothing furor by the likes of so many Fox News pundits. But how could anyone defend that kind of behavior? There’s been plenty of condemnation from the left, but shouldn’t one of the Tea Party’s leaders come forward and say that that kind of behavior isn’t something they want to encourage? I mean that’s unless they don’t mind they’re movement to be associated with racism and homophobia.

The de facto methodology of the Tea Party movement has thus far been fear mongering, irrational outburst akin to a 2 year old’s temper tantrum. We’re so used to partisanship in American politics at this point it’s easy to just throw up your hands and say the two sides will never reach any kind of compromise, find any middle ground to move this country forward. If that’s really the case than our system is truly and irreparably broken. All we really need is a couple of major political figures on both sides of the aisle to say enough is enough and actually try to open up a rational dialogue. But that’s just never going to happen, is it? No one benefits politically by being rational, and all politics is about in America today is making sure you still have a job after the next election.

Maybe we really should just burn it all to the ground.

-Jon J

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Loren Cass Is A Steaming Pile

Have you seen the movie Loren Cass? Well you don’t have to because I did. Why did I do such a thing? I had heard from my various sources that this was something of a “punk” movie; I was hoping of something of a modern Suburbia. Unfortunately what I got was a meandering, vague, unfocused turd of a film.

From what I was able to gather, this movie is about three “disenfranchised” 20-something Floridians who drift about, fuck and drink at people’s houses and all the other normal shit that we all do. But wait! It’s set against the back drop of racial disharmony! Well, at least I think that’s what’s going on. I really couldn’t tell you too much of what’s happening in this movie because the entire thing is so disjointed that it’s really something of endurance challenge to get through it

You have the skinhead guy, and he’s always walking around all angry. Then you have some other kid who meets this chick because her car breaks down and something and they start fucking. Then the director decides to cut to a TV screen with cops standing around and black people rioting, or maybe a blank screen for 30 seconds while you hear a voice ranting about something that doesn’t make any goddamn sense. Then they’ll cut to some house party or something and everyone looks pissed off or emotionally damaged or some other such shit. Occasionally while this entire mess is going in front of you’re eyes you’ll hear a narrator start to say a bunch of vague shit about “isolation” or “desperation” or some other really deep thing that this movie is trying to say.

And who’s doing this narration you might ask? None other than Keith Morris of Circle Jerks fame and Blag Dhalia of the Dwarves! Leftover Crack’s in the movie too! Punk rock!

Let’s talk about Leftover Crack’s role in the movie for a moment: At some point someone in the movie (I have no idea if it was the skinhead guy or the other guy) goes to see Leftover Crack. The entire sequence looks like someone smuggled a video camera into the show and bootlegged it to impress their other 9th grade friends. Half the shots are of the floor. The director cuts in and out of different songs without any real reason, making it some kind of awful audio collage of parts of different songs. The entire sequence is absolutely awful.

Yet somehow this awful, steaming pile has gotten a bunch of praise. Check out what the New York Times had to say:

“Overtly, ingeniously experimental in form, Loren Cass cuts among these three and an assortment of local wasted youth in an elliptical, intuitive manner, alternating listless scenes of opaque introspection and booze-fueled bumming around with sharp bursts of violence. The movie is a tour de force of mood and milieu, marshaling a hundred vivid details of landscape: parking lots, packing crates, shopping carts, peeling wallpaper, broken bottles, cheap salads, over-lighted diners, oily garages.”

What the fuck?! Did the director suck the dude at the Times dick or something? This movie is an entirely masturbatory mess that was made by some shitty no-talent who thinks he’s some kind of visionary “artist.” “… a tour de force of mood and milieu”? Really? What mood exactly? Utter and complete boredom? That’s the only mood I was in when I watched it! I thought this movie was going to end about ten separate times before it actually did. There is absolutely nothing to care about in this movie — not a single character, event or even moment makes this movie at all enjoyable. If I were to sum it up in one sentence it would have to be this: Loren Cass is the worst goddamn movie I’ve ever seen.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'm Terrorfied!!! Or The Great American Facepalm

There's been a lot of recent criticism of the way that Obama has handled the Antiterrorism initiative since taking office last year. The right wing balked at the (as yet still pending) closing of Guantanamo Bay, the ending of interrogations by the CIA (now to be done by a new group led by the FBI) and the plan to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind behind 9/11, in a civilian court, granting him full protection under the Constitution (Egads!). The left has criticized the troop surge, and his extension of the Patriot Act. Oh yeah! And the fact that Guantanamo Bay is still open! So know some want a return to the old school two-fisted Cheney school of Antiterrorism; namely shoot 'em all and let (white man's) God sort 'em out.

Well, now that we have all that lovely background out of the way, let's move onto what's really important; WHAT I THINK!

I was 15 years old when 9/11 happened. I'm 24 now. Basically what that means is that there's hasn't been a time in my adolescence or young adult life when my country wasn't at war in the middle east. If I want to stretch further back I can remember watching the events of Desert Storm unfold on TV when I was but a wee little turd. So what I'm saying is that I've seen a lot of brown people get blown up on TV. A lot. Now, I understand that so far my exposure has largely been second hand; you know from newspapers, TV news, films, books and the stories from other kids my age who have had a tour, or several, of Iraq or Afghanistan. I'm not some big important politician who REALLY understands how the world works, so I understand that my solutions may be, oh shall we say, a bit naive (And by naive I mean no one really gets rich of it). But what the hell? I'll give it a shot.

As anyone who has devoted any real thought to the subject knows you can't fight terrorism. The British tried to do it and they got America.

Here's the real deal right here: we need to GET THE FUCK OUT of the Middle East as a whole. You can't fight these people. It's simply not possible; how do you win? They have an endless supply off soldier who are willing to sacrifice themselves and become martyrs for their cause. And really that's the key; the people doing this aren't career soldiers, they're fanatics. They will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, and frankly America won't except the kind of casualties that a victory would require.

Here's something I don't think that a lot of people realize either; by staying in Afghanistan we're actually playing directly into Osama bin Laden's hands. No one can control Afghanistan, that's why it's been basically controlled by warlords throughout it's entire history. But that doesn't mean that bin Laden can't get the U.S. completely bogged down there, spending trillions of dollars, taking thousands of lives and cripple our economy. I mean he did the EXACT GODDAMN THING BEFORE TO RUSSIA! Come on! Are we really this fucking shortsighted? Yeah, I guess so.

For anyone who thinks that we need to have a hand in the Middle East I have only this to ask you; Why? For their oil? Well how about we try focusing on creating a green energy industry in this country so we can move past fossil fuels already? Shit, that might even create a few jobs and get this country back on the right track.

Fuck, it's not like anyone ever listens to me anyway. I don't even know why I try.

-Jon J