Hey everybody! Does anyone remember a band by the name of AFI? Oh you do, excellent. Wait, did you just call them "that gothy punk band with the dude that looks like a chick"? Well, that's really not accurate, for one thing Davey Havoc cut his hair, and no longer looks like chick. You also called them a punk band. They USED to be a punk band, but that hasn't really been the case in a number of years. At this point you can really only categorize them as one thing: a giant fucking joke.
Look at this horrible, ugly piece of shit album cover. That's the cover for the new AFI album, Crash Love. Ummm...... weird hearts that envelop the word crash written in cursive is not what a punk band puts on their album cover. And what's with the weird gold background? Who designed this? A 14 year old girl, that's who. It has to be, because I refuse to believe that any adult would make something this retarded. I don't even need to listen to this album to know that it's going to be a giant, steaming turd. Mr. Havoc has this to say on the new album: "I am so proud of this record. I really believe it's the best AFI record. It honestly feels like we've made our first truly timeless record. We didn't set out to do that--you can't set out to do something like that--but it definitely feels like that's what we've achieved: created the album by which we'll be remembered".
Alright, now I'm going to rewrite that sentence to make it a little more accurate. "I am so ashamed of this record. I really believe it's the worst AFI record. It honestly feels like we've made our first truly pointless record. We didn't set out to do that--you can't set out to do something like that--but it definitely feels like that's what we've achieved: created the album by which we'll be remembered as a band of fucktards."
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