Guess what kids, some Hollywood fuckheads think that remaking Yellow Submarine is a great idea! Early today Mike Fleming of Variety reported that Robert Zemeckis and Disney are planning on doing a remake of the classic Beatles cartoon.
What the fuck? Is this really necessary? No, it's not. The original cartoon was absolutely brilliant, so what's the point of doing it over again? I don't know about you, but I grew up on the Beatles, it's a cherished childhood memory for me and I know it is for a lot of other people out there. It's not as though you can't go out and buy a copy of the original movie on DVD or whatever. Hollywood needs to start coming up with their own ideas instead of pillaging cinema's past to turn a buck nowadays.
I have an idea, why not make an animated Flaming Lips movie? Their entire oeuvre would work perfectly for a psychedelic cartoon. You can have giant pink robots and bubbles floating everywhere, it would be really cool, and all though slightly derivative, a new movie instead of a rehash of an old one.
That's all I have to say on the subject.
On a side note, I added Abe Lincolns quotes to my blog a couple days ago. Why? Abe Lincoln's the motherfucking man, motherfuckers. More on that later.
-Jon J
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