Nobunny's backing band took the stage and played a set. I don't know what their name was but it was awesome. Two piece garage rock n roll with a fuck ton of energy, they played for about a half hour or show. Fuck, I really wish I knew what they were called because they were really awesome. Next up was Thee Makeout Party. They're a Chicago band with a British Invasion/Garage feel. A lot slower than the last band, but they laid down some nice Beatlesque melodies. Fun, but it kind of dragged on a bit. Also their bassist might just win hipster of the year as far as I am concerned. He had the curly Joey Ramone mop, clear framed large glasses and super tight, super high cut-offs and kept on talking about how much he loved kittys. Sorry dude, but talking about how much you love kittys just isn't rock n roll.
So here we are, at the moment of truth. The band has taken the stage and everyone's ready for Nobunny. But that night we didn't get Nobunny, no, we got an imposter! This "Nobunny" had a makeshift bunny mask made from some magazines and duct tape. None the less, the band ripped through about 7 or 8 Nobunny tunes. No one at the show seemed to really care about the imposter on stage, we all danced and had ourselves a good old fashioned rock n roll revival on our hands. I guess that's the benefit of wearing a mask on stage, you can still pull off the show even if you're not there.
-Jon J
the first band is the rock and roll adventure kids, we're from anaheim not chicago, and pissin off macho rocker types by talkin about how much we love kiddies isn't rock and roll it's punk (we're from anaheim). but yeah, lee get's that hipster tag sometimes. also fuck the beatles.
dan of thee
i meant kitties, swear to "Bob"