Do you ride public transportation? Do you use elevators? Well I do, I do these things every single day and I'm starting to get pissed off. What are so pissed off about Jon J I hear you ask? Is it the fact that the CTA can't ever run on time? No, gentle reader, I'm used to that, the CTA has never run on time, and to expect any different would be folly on my end. Is it an onslaught of claustrophobia from those cramped L cars and elevator compartments? Once again I say no, comes with the territory. What's bothering me is the fucking people. Not the crowds, not the vagrants, drunks and screaming children. What my problem is boils down to a simple issue of etiquette.
People who are getting on the train need to stop standing directly in front of the goddamn doors. If you stand directly in front of the doors it prevents the people who are trying to get off the train from being able to do so. This creates a CLUSTERFUCK!
It seems to me to be a pretty simple concept really. If people are trying to get off the train or an elevator or whatever stand aside and let them get off, thus making it easier for you to get on. Seriously, shoving your way onto a train when someone else is trying to get off is one the most selfish, inconsiderate things I can think of, and I see constantly. This is one of the sure signs that our society is in a state of decline.
I'm done playing nice, the next time this fucking happens to me I'm just going to head-butt my way through the aching sea of humanity. If the problem persists I am considering unleashing some kind biological weopon on you reprobates. Actually, scratch that, I don't want to get on any kind of FBI watch list or something. If you're a member of some kind of fedaral agency or something you should read that last sentence as "I am going to get everyone a kitten to play with." There, I think I covered my ass on that one.
That's all. Tune in next time, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel.
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